Update at: 3/12/12
Volunteers needed in the cattle shed
Volunteers needed for feeding support of beef cattle in Tomioka machi, Fukushima.
We are giving forages and dried grass-fed to beef cattle shed in Tomioka Town which is located in evacuation zone about 20 km from Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant.
More details: → Pets and animals in the caution zone
【 What can I do 】
・ Person needed who can give some forages to beef in the cattle shed
・ Person who can offer the dry grasses and feed for cattle.
Location : Tomioka Town, Fukushima
Contact : Fukushima Intenational Media Village, Headquarter / Tokyo
Tel : 03-5379-5272 ( 10:00 ~18:00 on Weekdays )
If you have any further questions or concerns, please don`t hesitate to contact us.
Lodging is available at 『 Fukushima International Media Village Lab 』
We have prepared laboratory center for research and meeting in Iwaki city, Fukushima prefecture.
Location: 4-9Uchigo-mimaya, Iwaki city, Fukushima Prefecture

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