“ Message regarding establishment of
Three months has passed since the incident, yet in many of the disaster stricken areas, restoration is hardly progressing. People have not been able to move from the emergency shelters to the temporary housing facilities because self funding their costs of living (fees for food and utilities) present a challenge. Isolated elderly people have no choice but to live in their half destroyed homes, been unable to live in emergency shelters or temporary housing facilities. Those who lived close to the nuclear power plants continue to be displaced.
What is required of us now is "rationale judgment" (based on the current situation and risks) and each individual immediately "taking action" based on what they can act upon. I believe that these will generate a "chain of actions" that would drive the revival of
On June 10, 2011, members with aspiration of "What can I do? Act rather than contemplate!" have joined efforts to position Iwaki-city, an area struck by the four devastating consequences of earthquake / tsunami / nuclear power plant / misleading information, as the "center of information distribution" and established the "Fukushima International Media Village" within the city-run Nagamachi Park (4-64 Uchigo-mimaya-machi, Iwaki-shi, Fukushima Prefecture). .
The size of Iwaki-city is twice that of the total floor area of all 23 wards of
Accurate information about the disaster and its impacts are rarely available. This has triggered the spread of rumors, and has led to immense damages. This problem is not only about cities surrounding the nuclear power plant. This relates to all of
For international journalists to send accurate and live information to the world, the
June 2011.
Fukushima International Media Village,
Chairman Ogino Masao
Topic guide
2013年6月16日(日)に福島県いわき市で開催された "いわきゴミ拾い駅伝2013”の動画をアップしました。 いわき地区...
The First、Iwaki Cleanup Ekiden (Relay) 2013
11 teams of 39 runners removed 100 kg garbage Ekiden, an ancient Japanese word ...
It is a relay race that takes place on the stage to pick up trash Iwaki City, ...
日に日に季節の移ろいが感じられて来ました。涼しさも増してきましたね。 いわき市でも徐々に秋の気配が近づいて来ているようです。 7月中旬から「いわきラ...
2012年9月5日、福島県いわき市にて農林水産省立ち合いのもと、機能水を使った放射能除染実験を行いました。 ”ふくしま国際メディア村・いわき本...
残暑厳しい日が続いていますが、9月に入り夜になると鈴虫の声が聴こえるように なりました。皆様いかがお過ごしでしょうか? 「いわきラボ」へ還元水を汲みに来られ...
7月中旬から3ヶ月間にかけて「いわきラボ」では、還元水の 無料提供を行っています。 この還元水はアトピーや皮膚炎に悩む方も生活に取り入れており、 お水...
在日外国人が語る3.11震災体験 震災があった日、日本にいた外国人はどう感じたか。 今回は日本の大学に通うインドネシア/ジャカルタ出身のカリナさんにお話しを...