Update at: 2/26/12
How to Volunteer and Help disabled people?
Is there any opportunity volunteer with disabled people and helping people?
Yes, Needed Volunteers for housecleaning of disabled people in near by Koriyama city.
In reality, there are many disabled people who are still living in fear of high radioactive levels in their home because, the nuclear pollution level is almost same as outdoor level.
As we all know the reason of radioactive materials dose rate is a very high from the outdoor air when compare with indoor.
In order to not aerate of outdoor air contamination must be close the window well then the radioactive dose rate of indoor will be decrease through such clean-up operation. All it really takes a time, energy and lots of love.
We need Volunteers who can support to bring normal life which can relieve them step by step.
Location: in Koriyama city
If you have any further questions or concerns, please don`t hesitate to contact us.

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