Update at: 3/9/12
Seminar - Protect myself
Protecting myself from radioactive materials
The seminar will be held by the company “Sosei world” at the Kooriyama city, Fukushima prefecture on March 25, 2012.This company has operated the decontamination operations by using the functional water at the Tomioka Town Hall.
The functional water (Sosei water) is used for decontamination activities such as contaminated boats and ships swept ashore by the tsunami, contaminated soil from playground, fields and contaminated cows. Also, Sosei water was used in the decontamination experiment of Gravel at the Tomioka town Hall and the result was succeeded approximately 82 percent.
Just one year after Great East Japan Earthquake on March 12, 2012.
Contamination and damage from radioactive materials still continues
Our worry is on the effects of radiation me and my family.
「Is it a safe to live like this in Fukushima?」「How is it effects on children ?」
I, myself have to protect myself instead of any expectation from the national standard and policies.
We want many people to know the fact that the radiation can decontaminate from the body by Sosei water.
The seminar content will be about “How can I protect myself” based on the decontamination experimental data and results till today.
Please, attend this seminar for save your Family`s Health and Hometown “Fukushima”.
【 Day/Time 】 March 25, 2001 (Sunday) 13:00~17:00
【 Location 】 Koriyama City Cultural Center 5 F Meeting room
Tsutsumi shita machi 1-2. Koriyama city, Fukushima Prefecture
※There is no parking lot. Please, use the taxi or public transportations.
※ Koriyama station 20 min by walk and 5 min by Taxi
【 Participation fee 】 Free

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