Iwaki Labo
Update at: 7/18/12
Offering Free Kangen Water
We are offering this amazing water as a free service for 3 months from this summer at the “Iwaki Labo” which supported by Fukushima International Media Village. Kangen means “return to origin” and in the context of Kangen water it can be interpreted to mean taking the body back to its original.
Since 3.11 East Japan great earthquake disasters, we carried out various activities in thought to support Fukushima.
t has now been a year and four months since the accident began. We have installed the kangen water generator that if the local people who are threatening with nuclear problems in their life can cleanse little their body from inside out and remove toxins.
This incredible kangen water has been used the people who struggle with atopic dermatitis (click here for website) or some restaurants only particularity about water.
In addition, you can do all the washing without using any detergent because of the environment problem and as well as dry cleaners, restaurants and clinics wash the dishes or do the laundry by this water instead of using detergents.
What can I do? Act rather than contemplate! Our heart is still same at the time when FIMV was established. We really want to reduce and calm people` s fears and worries who are living in Fukushima Prefecture and hope their body and heart to become as a healthier and happier!
■Location: Uchigou mimayamachi 4-92 「Iwaki Labo」Entrance
Jouban line 「 Iwaki 」 station by car 10 min
※Parking is available
※「 Iwaki Labo 」 Please, click here for map
■ For Schedule : From 9:00 A.M - 3:00P.M.
Opening hours: on Monday to Friday
Closed: on Weekends and Public Holidays
Period: From Middle of July for 3 months
※ The water comes in 760-ml glass bottles. This is because plastic bottles are not suitable for this water due to its small clusters. You can get the water as many times as you wish and you can keep it for as long as you wish.
※Original source : Sosei World Co Ltd., More detail about kangen water click here.

Topic guide
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